A work in progress

Welcome to The Ice, Spice and Vice Files!

Here we aim to provide you with 7 full length and detailed reviews, one for each day of the week, of the highlights (or lowlights as the case may be) of the following week's single releases.

You will also find plenty of other features, including the UK midweeks singles chart which is updated daily, roundups of both the international music and boxoffice charts, a glance at the X Factor UK, a 'Who's On Top?' magazine section as well as some other treats too, such as our 'Star Power' featured artist page and 'Introducing...' page.

As always, if there's something you want us to review or feature, just let us know via email or comment and we'll try and sort something out. We're very friendly like that ;-)

In Love and light



Friday 22 October 2010

Ironik ft. Jessica Lowndes - Falling In Love

So...90210 actress Jessica Lowndes has teamed up with Brit rapper Ironik on his new single? Bit random you say? How does it work out we hear you cry! Well, stay tuned and we'll reveal all...

The track gets off to a fairly good start, with a wander through Lowndes' feature chorus, which, surprisingly, shows off a more sophisticated vocal than the kind of thing we're used to from other 'actress-turned-singers.' Her voice has an almost country-esque tinge to it and is a lot deeper than the girly trills we expected. Despite this, she is able to pull off the gentle, vulnerable side of the chorus with sincerity, although we'll come to its content later on...

Ironik on the other hand really adds nothing special to the track, and we can feel a Chipmunk influence coming through, possibly circa 'Oopsy Daisy,' as the rhythm, backing and even Ironik's vocals bear significant resemblance.

The song itself is unfortunately just a generic love song, the kind we've heard before from every 3rd rate artist out there, and when Ironik starts spitting lyrics such as "...you're not just my girl, my best friend too..." you just know it's not going to get much better. We see nothing original in this track, and whilst we know it's a love song, Ironik seems to have completely abandoned his bad boy image, instead adopting a sickly loved up persona, something that in itself may alienate some of his fans.

This is definitely a teen aimed song, the hopes and aspirations that Lowndes expresses, of eternal love and never wanting to cry another tear, are essentially juvenile and unrealistic, although we do give her merit for carrying the song.

We feel as if this, albeit rather random, teaming could have been a lot more promising, as Lowndes clearly has talent. However, with this kind of track under her belt we're not sure she's going to be hugely sought after even though it's clearly not her fault. Whilst this is a nice enough track we can't help feel that it's a victim of its own desperation.

2/10 - Brrr...Ice :-(

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