A work in progress

Welcome to The Ice, Spice and Vice Files!

Here we aim to provide you with 7 full length and detailed reviews, one for each day of the week, of the highlights (or lowlights as the case may be) of the following week's single releases.

You will also find plenty of other features, including the UK midweeks singles chart which is updated daily, roundups of both the international music and boxoffice charts, a glance at the X Factor UK, a 'Who's On Top?' magazine section as well as some other treats too, such as our 'Star Power' featured artist page and 'Introducing...' page.

As always, if there's something you want us to review or feature, just let us know via email or comment and we'll try and sort something out. We're very friendly like that ;-)

In Love and light



Sunday 10 October 2010

The X Factor Performances - Week One

Such an amazing song choice for Cher which really shows off her swag, although she seems a little drowned out by the backing track.

Treyc shows great vocals here, and it definitely shows why she was chosen as Cheryl's wildcard. Not entirely sure she had the best vocals of the night though Simon...

Katie just looks awful in her performance, like a cheap man's Lady GaGa tribute and as a result looks a bit desperate. Not sure the song did her any favours, way too big for her.

Wow, she has finally performed a fun, uptempo song. She just needs more confidence to enhance the performance but it's great to hear a different sound from her.

Amazing vocals, Mary really shows off her diva side. Although stop dressing her all in black, she's not Dawn French.

Storm...awful styling!! The performance didn't seem that inspired but we feel like he could do more.

Totally forgettable, and it's such a dated song. Very dull...he should surely be first to go?

Amazing ;-)

One Direction definitely need to gel together more. They're obviously a typical boy band, but they need to sync their style more.

F.Y.D. had the difficult job of going first, we definitely want to see more from them though, although we expected more from them this time.

Belle Amie seemed ultra shy, which is odd as they're all good singers. We want to see them again however, and for them to up the performance.

Horrendous outfits, there's no need to tack them up so much! Surprisingly enjoyable even though only one seems to sing...

Gripping and intense, although due to him sounding too similar to those he's compared to I'm not sure if I could bear an entire album of his voice.

Fire the stylist. Good vocals but the performance felt a little average.

Gets off to a shaky start, he definitely needs to build his confidence but should get better and better.

Thought he'd be better...what happened to the diva? Disagree with Cheryl's sunglasses comment though, it's all about the performance ;-)

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